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Nhudes REdo

You guessed it!

I simply could not resist. The upside is that this testing adventure was by choice and had no due date. I was able to take my time and color test existing colors and replacing tan with the color taupe. Most tests were a flop! Although, the two colors look alike they both developed and created different levels of color. Assuming this color addition would exponentially increase the number of shades, I really had no idea how many more shades I could create. The color jumped from about 175 shades to 250. It would take me some time to get through all the colors but at the end of that test run there were 350 shades. Since then, many new shades have been added either by chance or accidentally. Haven't done a recount yet but I am sure it is well over 400. This my friends is my current situation. I have no where to put any more colors.

I thought I was ending this blog post here but on Jan 31, 2022 I was faced with another dye dilemma. I don't know how complex it is going to be moving forward. However, I do know that it is going to make my job harder. Ya'll pray for me.

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